Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The little things

     As Spring is in the air, I am realizing that its the littlest things in life can bring us joy if we choose to recognize and appreciate them.  Though rain has poured down almost ceaselessly since Thursday, the big puddles and gooey mud bring a sense of Spring.  

Yesterday I saw the beginnings of the first buds on the treetops and noticed that the once-brown grass has quickly turned a luscious green over the past couple of days.  Thanks to the rain, I have not been able to enjoy the warm weather or ride my horse.  Yet, thanks to the rain, Spring has finally decided to come out of its cold winter hibernation and do what is does best:  make things colorful again!

     God definitely chose a beautiful month for His Son to die on the cross for our sins!  What better time to give new hope to His people than in the color and majesty of His growing creation?  I can't believe that Easter just a few weeks away!
This wooden cross tops the steeple of our wooden bird feeder (made by my grandfather)

With spring come some butterflies!

...and baby birds!  :)

     Yesterday I got a new pair of cute rain boots.  They are comfy and remind me of being a little girl, splashing in the puddles without a care, dancing in the rain with my yellow raincoat, and the coming heat of summer.

     As the seasons roll by, I've learned that sometimes the little things are the things that add up the fastest and are the things we remember the most.  
~Lillian Kate



  1. What sweet words about God's wonderful season of Spring! You write so well.

    the Middle Sister and Singer

  2. Thanks, Brigid! Spring is just so refreshing after a long winter
    ~Lillian :)


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